Debtor & Invoice Restructuring 

Brief Details

Debtor & Invoice Finance

At Woodward Finance, our expertise lies in crafting bespoke Debtor & Invoice Finance solutions for Australian businesses. We’re dedicated to enhancing your business’s cash flow and meeting its unique financial needs, ensuring a robust and prosperous financial future. Our approach is designed to empower Australian businesses with effective, tailor-made financial strategies.

Unlock your business’s potential with our tailored Debtor & Invoice Finance solutions. Contact Woodward Finance today to transform your cash flow and accelerate your growth.

Types of Debtor Financing Solutions We Offer

At Woodward Finance, our range of debtor financing solutions is tailored to cater to the diverse needs of Australian businesses. These solutions include:

Invoice Discounting

Ideal for businesses looking to manage their own credit control. It allows quick access to a percentage of the value of your outstanding invoices.


A comprehensive solution that includes credit control services. It's perfect for businesses looking for a finance package that helps manage their debtors while providing immediate cash flow.

Supply Chain Finance

This solution is designed for businesses seeking to improve their supply chain efficiency. It helps manage payments to suppliers promptly, thus enhancing business relationships and operations.

Each of these options is crafted to provide customised cash flow support, ensuring that your specific business requirements are met efficiently and effectively.

How Debtor & Invoice Finance Can Grow Your Business

Investing in Debtor & Invoice Finance can be a game-changer for your business. It enables you to unlock the value tied up in unpaid invoices, providing immediate cash flow to support your daily operations. This financial leverage can lead to enhanced business liquidity, opening doors to new growth opportunities and enabling efficient invoice management. By turning your receivables into immediate cash, you can reinvest in your business, seize growth opportunities faster, and maintain a stable financial footing.

What Makes Woodward Finance the Preferred Choice for Debtor & Invoice Finance

Choosing Woodward Finance for your Debtor & Invoice Finance needs means embracing a partnership that prioritises your business’s financial health and growth. Here’s why we stand out:

Personalised Service

We understand that each business is unique. That's why we offer customised financial solutions, ensuring that our services perfectly align with your specific business requirements and goals.

Competitive Rates

Our competitive pricing structure is designed to provide maximum value. We ensure that our financial solutions are not only effective but also cost-efficient, making them accessible to a wide range of businesses.

Swift Processing

In the fast-paced business world, time is a critical factor. Our streamlined processing ensures that you get the financial support you need promptly, enabling quick decision-making and implementation.

Expert Team

Our team consists of experienced professionals with deep industry knowledge. This expertise allows us to provide insightful advice and effective financial solutions that cater to the complex needs of your business.

Client-Centred Approach

Your success is our priority. We focus on creating strategies that not only address your immediate financial needs but also contribute to your long-term business growth and stability.

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Invoice discounting allows businesses to borrow against their invoices, maintaining control over their debtor ledger. Factoring, however, involves selling the invoices to a financier who then manages the debt collection.

This financing liberates the cash tied up in unpaid invoices, providing immediate working capital and smoothing out cash flow irregularities.

Yes, these financial solutions are suitable for businesses of all sizes, including startups, as they often rely on immediate cash flow to sustain and grow their operations.

The time frame can vary, but typically, businesses can access funds within 24 to 48 hours after the approval of their invoices.

While beneficial across various sectors, industries with longer invoice payment terms, such as manufacturing, wholesale, and staffing agencies, often find these solutions particularly advantageous.