Earthmoving Equipment Finance 

Earthmoving Equipment

Brief Details

Explore comprehensive Earthmoving Equipment Finance solutions tailored to support your construction and mining endeavours. At Woodward Finance, we understand the unique challenges of your industry and offer customised financing solutions to empower your projects.

On the hunt for a reputable associate to fulfil your Earthmoving equipment finance requirements? Reach out to us at 0439 313 541 or visit our contact page for tailored solutions today!

Types of Earthmoving Equipment

Discover a range of earthmoving equipment, each designed to meet various construction and excavation needs:


Versatile machines ideal for demolition, mining, and heavy lifting, ensuring efficiency and power for demanding tasks.


Perfect for moving large quantities of soil or rubble, bulldozers are the backbone of any construction site.

Backhoe Loaders

Known for their versatility, perfect for digging, trenching, and backfilling in a variety of settings.


Essential in creating smooth and flat surfaces, graders are a key component in road construction and maintenance.


Specialised for digging trenches efficiently, these machines are vital for laying pipes or cables.

How Earthmoving Equipment Finance Can Help You

Unlock the potential of your projects with flexible financing solutions for earthmoving equipment. Woodward Finance offers a variety of financing options tailored to meet your specific project needs, ensuring you have access to the latest and most efficient equipment without straining your cash flow.

Our customizable repayment plans are designed to align seamlessly with your project timelines and budget, allowing for more strategic financial planning.

Beyond just financial support, our solutions enable you to stay competitive by utilising cutting-edge technology and machinery. This approach not only optimises your operational efficiency but also enhances your capability to tackle larger and more diverse projects.

With Woodward Finance, empower your business with the resources it needs to grow and excel in today’s dynamic construction and mining industries.

Why Choose Us for Earthmoving Equipment Finance

Partner with Woodward Finance for unparalleled expertise and tailored financing solutions in the field of earthmoving equipment. Our team, equipped with extensive industry knowledge, ensures you receive competitive rates and personalised service. We understand the intricacies of the construction and earthmoving industry, and our commitment to your success is reflected in our tailored approach:

Industry Expertise

Our team's deep understanding of the construction sector ensures advice and solutions that truly meet your needs.

Customised Financial Products

We offer a variety of financing options, each designed to cater to the unique aspects of your projects.

Competitive Rates

Access some of the most competitive rates in the market, reducing your overall financial burden.

Personalised Service

Each client receives individual attention, ensuring that your specific financial requirements are met.

Flexible Repayment Plans

Our plans are designed to align with your project timelines, aiding in smooth cash flow management.

Access to Latest Equipment

We enable you to acquire the latest and most efficient earthmoving equipment, keeping you ahead in the industry.

Strong Industry Connections

Leverage our vast network within the financial and construction sectors for your benefit.

Commitment to Your Success

Your success is our priority, and we work tirelessly to ensure the growth and prosperity of your business.

Request More Information.

Please use the form below to get in touch with our team. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

FAQs For Earthmoving Equipment Finance

We offer financing for a wide range of earthmoving equipment including excavators, bulldozers, backhoe loaders, graders, and trenchers, catering to various needs in construction and mining projects.

Yes, Woodward Finance provides finance options for both new and used earthmoving equipment, enabling flexibility according to your budget and project requirements.

Yes, we tailor our finance solutions to fit the scale of your project. Whether it’s a small, one-off job or a large-scale operation, our team can design a finance plan that aligns with your project’s scope and budget.

Financing allows you to preserve your capital. Rather than a large upfront investment, you pay in manageable instalments, aiding in better cash flow management and maintaining liquidity for other aspects of your business.

We understand that financial situations can vary. At Woodward Finance, we consider applications on a case-by-case basis and strive to provide solutions even for those with challenging credit histories.