Prime Mover Finance 

Brief Details

Prime Mover Finance

Woodward Finance stands as your ally in advancing your enterprise with specialised Prime Mover Finance solutions. Recognizing the crucial role of prime movers in your operations, our mission is to bolster your growth through custom-tailored financing options. With a keen focus on your specific needs, Woodward Finance is committed to delivering financial solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives.

In need of financing for a prime mover? Contact us today at 0439 313 541 or visit our contact page for optimal solutions tailored to your prime mover finance needs!

Types of Prime Movers We Finance

Woodward Finance specialises in a variety of prime mover finance options, catering to different industrial requirements. Our selection is tailored to empower your business growth:

Steam Turbines:

  • Ideal for industrial applications and power generation.
  • Known for high efficiency and reliability.
  • Supports businesses in achieving eco-friendly solutions.

Gas Turbines:

  • Best suited for high-power needs.
  • Offers superior performance and durability.
  • A reliable choice for continuous, high-energy demands.

Reciprocating Engines:

  • Versatile and robust, perfect for various industrial tasks.
  • Engineered for longevity and resilience in challenging environments.
  • Adaptable to a wide range of industrial applications.

Each option is backed by Woodward Finance’s expertise, ensuring you find the perfect match for your business’s specific needs.

Boost Business Growth with Prime Mover Finance

Opting for the right prime mover finance with Woodward Finance is a strategic move that can significantly elevate your business. It’s more than just funding; it’s an investment in your company’s efficiency and scalability. Our solutions are crafted to boost your operational capabilities, enabling smoother, more efficient processes that contribute to overall business growth. By aligning our finance options with your business’s evolving needs, we not only address your immediate requirements but also lay the groundwork for future success and expansion. This strategic financial support is pivotal in navigating market dynamics and maintaining a competitive edge.

Why Choose Woodward Finance for Prime Mover Finance

Choosing Woodward Finance means partnering with a leader in the industry. Here’s what sets us apart:

Tailored Financial Solutions

At Woodward Finance, we recognize that each business has its unique financial landscape. That’s why we create bespoke financing plans that align precisely with your specific needs, ensuring a perfect fit for your business’s financial health and goals.

Expert Advice

Our team, comprising industry leaders, provides not just expertise but also deep insights. They guide you through the entire financing process, offering valuable advice that reflects their extensive experience and knowledge in prime mover finance.

Competitive Rates

We pride ourselves on offering some of the most competitive rates in the industry. This approach ensures that your financial decision is not only savvy but also maximises your investment's value.

Fast and Efficient Service

Understanding the value of your time, Woodward Finance ensures a quick and seamless application and approval process. We streamline every step to save you time while maintaining the highest standards of service.

Long-term Support

Our relationship with you goes beyond just closing a deal. We are committed to providing long-term support, assisting you at every stage of your journey to ensure ongoing success and growth.

Request More Information.

Please use the form below to get in touch with our team. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Woodward Finance offers financing for a range of prime movers including steam turbines, gas turbines, and reciprocating engines. Each type caters to different industrial needs and power requirements.

Financing a prime mover can significantly enhance your operational capacity and efficiency. This investment allows for scaling up operations, improving process efficiency, and potentially increasing your business’s market competitiveness.

Our finance options are tailored to each business’s specific needs. We combine competitive rates with expert advice and efficient service, ensuring a financing solution that aligns with your business goals.

Yes, Woodward Finance provides financing options for both new and pre-owned prime movers, allowing businesses to choose the best option according to their budget and operational requirements.

The application process at Woodward Finance is streamlined for efficiency. It involves assessing your financial needs, choosing the right type of prime mover, and then working with our team to create a tailored finance plan.